Black Twitter

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Source: Nicky Nelson/ / WENN

Black Twitter became a mainstream buzz term late last year after receiving top billing in a Wikipedia article. Developed from within the fast moving Twitter network, this growing cultural subset has become a powerful collective of varying minds from all corners of the world.

Although Black Twitter has attracted some media attention for its ability to roast people for a variety of reasons, there are some within that group that have sway in the world of media, academics, music and other fields. From humorous quips to challenging racism, the group morphed into something valuable in the crowded spaces of social media where many Black folks are often shut out.

Hip-Hop Wired has complied a list of 20 accounts you should follow on Twitter. Some of them are known for jokes, others are good for a debate. Whatever you’re into, this list should have you covered. Let us know in the comments if we missed anyone.

Black Twitter, (born Blackasfuhk Run’Telldat Twitteronomy; August 21, 1619) is a gender non-conforming African American journalist, comedian, entertainer and activist who became the most visible.

  1. 3,071 likes 6 talking about this. The best place to find all your Black Twitter media
  2. Users created questions using some of the most hilarious moments that have happened in Black Twitter, including $200 dates, dabs of ranch and Temecula. Some folks got really creative by using Twitter’s poll feature for multiple choice answers. Take a look at some of the highlights from @iHateDanae’s hashtag below.
  3. While we have long known this truth to be evident, British writer and editor Liv Siddall recently found out the hard way when she took to Twitter to announce her departure from Instagram.

Photos: Twitter, WiredImpact

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Source: MesquitaFMS / Getty

Black Twitter has long been one of the cleverest sections of the fast-moving social media network, and once again they have a new trending topic going. The “Black Card” trend started going off Thursday morning with many users playfully handing over their card privileges with hilarious results.

It appears that Twitter user @notcapamerica began the whole thing on Wednesday after admitting he’s never seen The Wiz, which starred Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Nipsey Russel, Lena Horne and more.

“Don’t revoke my black card but I have never seen The Wiz,” @notcapamerica tweeted.

From there, other folks began chiming in with their reasons for handing over their Black Card, including not enjoying Hennessy, not knowing how to play spades, and never eating chitterlings (nobody should be eating that, by the way).

There were also folks admitting to not being hip to the music of R&B and Soul veterans like Frankie Beverly & Maze, and also some users saying that they enjoy pumpkin pie over a sweet potato one. And without doubt, there’s a lot of crazy talk with people declaring macaroni and cheese trash and other explosively bad takes but this is the Internet so the stunting is high.

But overall, folks are having fun cracking on themselves for not being into some of the defining traits of the Black experience and we should know full and well there’s more to Blackness than that.

The trending topic is slowly brewing so we’ve got some of the funniest ones we’ve seen thus far listed out below.

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