The reason behind using the tarball vs. backporting from Sid is that when I tried (successfully) backporting from Sid, I got a minitube that would not play videos but would only download them. The method described below, using the tarball from, the creator of minitube, delivered a working minitube video player and downloader.
First thing, install the dependencies. in a terminal:
Linux Mint 17 لتنصيب تطبيقMiniTube على اجهزة 32bit استعمل اﻻوامر التالية sudo apt-get install libqt5widgets5 libqt5network5 libqt5script5 libqt5sql5 libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5dbus5 phonon4qt5 libphonon4qt5-4 phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer. Version: 1.8-1getdeb1 2012-06-30 19:08:16 UTC minitube (1.8-1getdeb1) precise; urgency=low. New upstream version - Enhanced Compact Mode: window on top, can be made smaller and remembers.
As normal user:Code: Select all
At this point we have to pause before running the next commands because there is an issue with gcc 4.7 and we need to make a patch and apply the patch. Special thanks to Vbrummond for this patch!Open a text editor in your terminal. leafpad, gedit, pluma whatever you use and add this text into the ~/tmp/minitube directory
Then save the text as qtlocalpeer.patch and exit
Now apply the patch
Linux Ubuntu
Code: Select all
Now we are ready to build minitubedh_make will prompt you what to build, press 's' for single. then run the next command
Code: Select all
This will build the package for you and make the debian installable file for your machine's architecture.Now just install the package:
Minitube Linux Mint 19
Now go Play and Have FUN!