Wordpress Optimization

Choose A Good Web Host. You can think of optimizing your WordPress site only after you surely. Install and activate UpdraftPlus. It’s critical that you backup your WordPress installation before. WORDPRESS SPEED OPTIMIZATION 2021This WordPress speed optimization video for beginners shows you how to increase website speed and speed up WordPress in Jus.

Wordpress Optimization

At this very moment, we can pretty much guarantee that there are at least one or two things we could fix on your site that are slowing it down, providing a poor user experience, or causing it to function poorly on multiple devices.

Image optimization, session based cookie that determines window resolution to provide the proper sized image. It does not correspond to any user ID in the web application and does not store any personally identifiable information. Viewedcookiepolicy: 11 months. The Perfmatters plugin has taken a different approach to performance optimization. The best thing about Perfmatters is that it can turn off default WordPress options that are enabled for most sites, when turned on they can significantly slow down website performance.

In fact, about 7/10 website owners have no idea that their site is actually filled with bugs, especially if they’ve never had their site speed optimized before.

Wordpress sites are notorious for having page load time issues, speed deficiencies, poor SEO rankings, and other problems because people either:

1. Make the site themselves, or

2. Hire someone to make it but not optimize wordpress performance

Freelancers and web development agencies will usually tell you that they include some kind of optimization, but here’s the hard truth: They usually put 90% of their effort into your overall site build and treat the wordpress speed optimization as an “add on” or accessory.

Your site speed optimization should not be the “Little Trees” air freshener that the mechanic gives you after fixing your car.

It should be treated with the same importance as the whole project.


Hate to break it to you, but the point is that there’s probably something wrong with your site. The good news?

Wordpress optimization service

We can fix it. Easily.

WordPress is currently one of the most popular blogging/CMS applications. Here are some ideas for optimizing WordPress and reducing the CPU consumption of this PHP script.

  • Make a backup of your account first, and then upgrade to the latest version of WordPress. The latest versions have optimized code that could reduce the CPU consumption of your site.
  • For permalink structure, do not start with the category, tag, author, or postname fields. Instead try /%year%/%postname%/ or /%post_id%/%postname%/. Also, don't worry about 301 redirects, as WordPress will automatically handle that after the permalink change.
  • Install WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache, which can be done from your WordPress Dashboard under Plugins. Follow the links below for information on how to set up these plugins.
    • WP Super Cache (recommended)
  • Many themes are more CPU intensive.
    • Make sure your page loads are generating no errors in your Error Log (in cPanel under Logs)
    • Also, if you're using dynamic image resizing, you may want to disable this if possible.
    • If all else fails, contact the theme provider for assistance or change to a different theme.
  • Disable CPU-intensive plugins or plugins that you no longer need.
    • All related post's plugins (WordPress Related Posts, YARPP) can cause a significantly high load in most cases.
    • WPRobot3 and other auto-posters can also cause high load issues and be disabled if they are causing issues.
    • StatPress and other WordPress statistics software should also be disabled, as these too can consume too much CPU in some cases. Use Google Analytics instead for statistics.
    • Any other plugins that are not vital to your WordPress should be disabled.
  • Manage Spambots. Non-human visitors/posters (aside from web spiders) should be blocked. Use a captcha such as SI CAPTCHA to prevent comment spam.
  • Lower the rate web spiders crawl your WordPress blogs if you have many blogs hosted under your account. High crawl rates can drive up the load on the server, as many bots try to index your sites. To learn more, please see this article: Directory Index.

Speed Up Wordpress Site

These changes are not guaranteed fixes but do provide a starting ground for correcting high load issues on WordPress sites. If there are any questions about this, don't hesitate to contact support.