- Js Markdown To Html
- Markdown To Html Converter
- Showdown Markdown
- Showdown Html To Markdown
- Showdowns Meaning
- Showdownjs Table
- Showdowns
Showdown extension for math expressions in AsciiMath and TeX - showdown.js. # showdown-extensions An extension in showdown documents using markdown syntax Sample(- what is.
These are a set of plugins created to support basic development utilities, extended configurations, styling with SASS/SCSS, stats on output bundles, etc. They are hosted on a repo on the packem github org. To install a common plugin, run:
The file plugin allows processing of raw file types as JavaScript modules during runtime. For instance this would return a valid JavaScript object:
Currently, raw file processing is done only for the following extensions:
Js Markdown To Html
, hlsl
, cg
, tesc
, tese
, geom
, comp
, vert
, frag
, vsh
, fsh
, log
, cnf
, conf
, cfg
, temp
, tmp
, sql
, sqlite
, svg
, patch
, 0
, md
, asc
, txt
, csv
, json
, ini
, yaml
, toml
, xml
, rss
, atom
, jpg
, jpeg
, png
, gif
, webp
, bmp
Add file-plugin: on
to the plugins
section in .packemrc
Markdown To Html Converter
Out of the box, Packem doesn’t come with a server nor does it include plugins. This plugin brings common developer tools like an HTTP server and a file watcher for development purposes.
There are several options available for this plugin. Let’s explore some:
Do not place HTML files in the same folder as the output bundle’s directory. For instance if your config outputs to ./dist/bundle.js
do not place HTML files in ./dist/
Allows all-in-one styling with PostCSS, SASS/SCSS and LESS.
Note: Currently, SASS/SCSS is supported only.
There are several options available for this plugin. Let’s explore some:
Uses terserjs to crunch and optimize your JavaScript into tiny obfuscated files and write it to the output path.
Showdown Markdown
There are several options available for this plugin. Let’s explore some:
This plugin currently minifies the main output bundle only. This means code splitted modules are not minified.
Uses ImageMin to optimize PNG, JPG/JPEG, GIF, WebP and SVG image formats.
There are several options available for image-plugin
. Let’s explore some:
You don’t need to specify all of these options. That’s why they’re options.
Compares a custom predefined constraint/limit on the bundle size to the actual size then reports a tabular diagnostic message. It does so by walking through the outputDir
of the project and collecting stats.
Showdown Html To Markdown
If you’re matching a file type that contains a character sequence that doesn’t fit as a proper YAML property value, wrap it in a string like “min.js” and “lib.min.css”
Processes a Markdown module and returns an escaped HTML string in the output.
Showdowns Meaning
Transforms a CoffeeScript module and concatenates a string of JavaScript to the output.
No options are available for this plugin.
Showdownjs Table
Imports/requires are not resolveable so this plugin remains super buggy. If you wish to contribute, welcome.
- Markdown’s XSS Vulnerability (and how to mitigate it) by ShowdownJS.